Third Street partnered with the PBS program Let’s Learn in the fall of 2020. The Let’s Learn program originally formed as a collaboration between WNET and the New York City Department of Education to provide young learners ages 3-8 with engaging, interactive music lessons that can be watched from home.
With the Third Street Partners program being fully remote for the 2020-21 school year, Let’s Learn provided another wonderful opportunity for the partners faculty to share virtual music lessons with an audience much farther reaching than our school partner communities.
Using a trio of West African drums known as “dundun”, Amos shares welcoming, traditional songs from Ghana. As viewers learn about the drums and the rhythms they play, they’ll start to see the language of the drums emerge! So grab a drum, a pair of sticks or some spoons and join in the fun!
Accompanied by jingle bells and a variety of at-home instruments, Jennifer breaks down the traditional song “Bell Horses”. Through the process of learning the simple tune, viewers will experience iconic notation and instrument playing! Jennifer also shares a catchy welcome song that invites children of all ages to incorporate their own ideas for expressing melody and rhythm!
Just like our bodies have a heartbeat, music has a beat as well. It keeps going and going. We can hear it, feel it, and see it! In this lesson, we will learn a popular finger play song called 5 Little Pumpkins. We will use it to discover the many ways that we experience beat!
Join Mr. John as he teaches the song "A Ram Sam Sam" to The Opposites, two friends who can't agree on anything! Together, everyone will learn about musical opposites, like fast and slow, or soft and loud.
In this segment, Jennifer teaches a greeting song that incorporates the eight pitches of the musical scale, an Irish folk song that grows and grows and grows; and a soothing Zulu parting song. Viewers can join in using body percussion, movement, and their own ideas for what might be found in a mysterious bog!
Drum and dance in different ways like different animals - fast and slow, big and small, smooth and scratchy. Think of a favorite animal and move like that creature to the beat. Listen to Yukiko play "The Lion", from Carnival of the Animals and dance like a lion with Ashley and Kagani, changing your movement as the music shifts.
Join Jennifer in learning traditional songs from around the world! Starting with a Swahili hello song, viewers learn an easy melody that can be customized to incorporate any languages spoken at home. Then, Jennifer models adding simple words from the American Sign Language repertoire to a traditional African American folk song. This segment closes with a beautiful Hebrew parting song. Viewers of all ages will enjoy learning to sing in these four different languages!
Learn about the secret language and hand signs musicians use called solfege! Sing and sign with Mr. John and help him figure out a mystery tune!
Jennifer explores three types of transportation ranging from old to new through a set of traditional songs. Each song can be accompanied by movement; some of which have extensions that encourage family members and friends to join in from home! Grab the reins, steering wheel, or handlebars and let's go!
Grab your favorite stuffy and let's bounce to the beat! Children will learn how to keep a steady beat and make music that is both quiet (piano) and loud (forte). We’ll take our stuffed animals to a musical playground, where we balance them on our body parts, play hide and seek, and climb up and down the musical scale. Afterwards we'll help them go to sleep with a French lullaby- Fais Dodo.
Whether you are using a drum, a plastic bowl or your own lap, learning the Kpanlogo song and rhythm will bring a smile to your face. Learn the meaning of this traditional song from Amos's home country Ghana, West Africa and join the fun!
Whether you are using a drum, a plastic bowl or your own lap, learning the Nonchele song and rhythm will bring a smile to your face. Learn the meaning of this traditional song from Amos's home country Ghana, West Africa and join the fun!
Learn about the different ways instruments make sounds with Mr. John, and then play along to the game show "Which Instrument Is It?"
In this video we will learn songs about a car, train and boat. We will also learn about different kinds of songs as one song is spoken, another a call and response and the third one sung together.
Whether you are using a drum, a plastic bowl or your own lap, learning the Sisala song and rhythm will bring a smile to your face. Learn the meaning of this traditional song from Amos's home country Ghana, West Africa and join the fun!
Using the beautiful song “I Don't Care if the Rain Comes Down”, this lesson explores how the body can be used to create percussive like drum sounds in making music. Snapping, clapping, and stomping will be used in this journey through Body Percussion!
Whether you are using a drum, a plastic bowl or your own lap, learning the Baajo song and rhythm will bring a smile to your face. Learn the meaning of this traditional song from Amos's home country Ghana, West Africa and join the fun!
Learn the musician's secret code words for fast and slow: "Allegro" and "Adagio". Gallop with Wilhelmina the horse and try using our new secret code words. Then chop chop chippity chop some fruits and vegetable for Wilhelmina's snack! Children will learn to keep a steady beat at different tempi using their bodies and voices, while developing fine motor and gross motor skills.
Learn about different instruments with Mr. John, and then invent your own instrument at home with Dr. Theremin!
Music is organized into patterns of sounds that we can hear as being longer and shorter. These patterns of long and short sounds are called Rhythm. Using the classic song Apple Tree, we will discover how to hear, play, and write beginning rhythms.
Sing and play along to the story of one hangry wolf's search for a tasty treat and the three porcine architects that got away! Children will also learn a snack-inspired rhyme and move like the animals from the tale.
In this video we will learn a simple song to help us understand counting and pattern in music, we will learn about the Glockenspiel and play a listening game and in the end do a song that involves moving a scarf in many different ways.
Using body percussion and instruments found around the house, Jennifer introduces viewers to meter! Through the process of learning two different Jamaican songs, children will embody musical patterns and rhythms in groups of 3, 4 and 5. Get ready to sing, play, and feel the hot island sun!
Using the familiar song Rain, Rain, Go Away, this lesson explores how music has high and low sounds. Singing, solfege signing, and music literacy will be used in this beginning journey through pitch.
Learn to sing and move like the robin, crow and mourning dove. Then play a hiding game as we sing the cuckoo's call to the beautiful Cuckoo song from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens.
Whether you are using a drum, a plastic bowl or your own lap, learning the Kpanlogo song and rhythm will bring a smile to your face. Amos teaches this traditional song and shares new instruments for an exciting percussion experience!
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-9:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am-5:30pm
Sunday: 8:30am-5:00pm
Society of the Third Street
Music School Settlement
is a registered 501(c)(3)